2. If you hurt someone's feelings you say you are sorry! It doesn't matter if you did it "on purpose" or not -- you still hurt their feelings and you need to apologize.
3. No one is making you make bad choices. It was your choice to do that thing, no one is forcing you to do it. You can say no! You can get help! You can walk away! You have lots of options! In the words of a wise man: you don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.
4. If everyone makes a mess it's everyone's responsibility to clean it up. You don't get to sit on the sidelines and complain that we can't do the fun thing while everyone is working to clean up the mess. Also if you make a mess it's your responsibility to clean it up before you can go do the next fun thing. Other people don't have to help you if they don't want to do so and they certainly shouldn't be doing it for you.
5. If you make a mistake it's a lot better to admit it than it is to cover it up and pretend it didn't happen. People will have a lot more respect for you if you just say, yep, I did that thing than if you pretend you didn't and wait till someone else calls you out on it. You also might get in less trouble and you'll be able to sleep better. Plus people will trust your words.
6. It is not okay to bully someone. You may not trip someone or push them or hit them or make fun of them. You may not tease them or write down mean words about them or whisper to other people about them. You may not exclude them or tell them they may not play with you or sit next to you. And if you see someone else doing these things you can help stop it and make the world a better place.
7. Sometimes you need to wait your turn. Maybe someone else is getting attention right now because they are hurt. Maybe you can't get the help you need because your problem might be small and the other person's problem might be big. Maybe you can solve your problem on your own and the other person needs help. Maybe there is so much going on that everyone's wants don't get met. Maybe there is a lot of people who need help and there just aren't enough people or resources to help them all.
8. If you're really mad it's okay to take a time-out to calm down. Sometimes it's better to walk away and do something else before you have a conversation or keep doing the same activity. Maybe you need to go read a book or go run around outside. Maybe you need to write down those mad words privately and then throw them away. Maybe you need to talk to a trusted adult who can help you. Maybe you can just be quiet for a while or sit and breathe. That's good and I'm proud of you for recognizing that you are so mad that you need a break!
10. The only person you need to worry about? Is you. It's hard to worry about everyone in the whole world and what they're doing so isn't it cool that the only person who you can control is yourself? Isn't that so much easier?